How to identify and protect your sensitive data

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9 out of 10 companies are struggling to manage data compliance. In addition, the volume of data is increasing exponentially and remote working makes it even more difficult to manage the risks associated. 

Data protection is a key issue for all companies and has become the main concern of managers.

In order to protect data and prevent its disclosure, companies must comply with the standards and regulations in force. To do this, it is necessary to ensure continuity of protection through auditable controls.

Devoteam and its partner Microsoft offer you their co-authored white paper to guide you through the key steps and points of attention related to the identification and protection of your sensitive data.  It is intended for an audience of security managers and legal professionals.


Foreword – Renaud Templier, cybersecurity Director, Devoteam

Introduction: How can I identify the sensitive information in my Microsoft 365 tenant to comply with my security policy?

  • From theory to practice
  • Objective: “data protection by design”
  • From platform to users, the security policy must be all-pervasive
  • Conclusion: how to do it operationally and where to start?

Authors and contributors 

  • Amélie Barboteau, Cybersecurity Senior Consultant, Devoteam
  • Karim Bouami, Digital Identity & Trust Services Director, Devoteam
  • Vincent Tostain, Cybersecurity Senior Consultant, Devoteam    
  • Ludovic Hecky, Cybersecurity Senior Consultant, Devoteam    
  • Charles Tostain, Global Black Belt Advanced Compliance, Microsoft